Tuesday, October 7, 2008

cereal or snack?


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Panda Puffs! Delicious! Great with soy milk or just plain by the handful. My dogs even like them as treats! They are available at most health food stores and even some regular grocery stores are getting in on this. They range from 2 to 3 bucks per box....and let me tell you...worth every penny!

Bonus - When you buy EnvroKidz cereal 1% of all profit goes to the EnviroFund which gives money towards endangered species and environments.

So go check them out. They have other great vegan cereals as well, but this is by far my favorite.

As always...let us know what you think - JenN


Jesse said...

i eat the gluten version of envirokids!!! wooohoooo

GF Gidget said...

Peanut Butter Panda Puffs with chocolate soy milk.... now that is a dessert for breakfast!